// *** Generated Source File *** // Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, SilverStream Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved package com.gpc.ejb.system; import java.io.File; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import javax.ejb.EJBObject; import com.gpc.common.exception.ApplicationException; import com.gpc.valueobjects.common.CommandVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.common.ProxyVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.common.ResultsVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.endofday.EndOfDayMonitorVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.endofday.RefEODTaskVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.invoice.InvoiceVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.invoice.ProtobaseCheckVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.invoice.ProtobaseCreditCardVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.invoice.line.BaseLineItemVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.misc.TerminalVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.misc.TimeZoneVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.protobase.PbconfigVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.protobase.ProtobaseDeviceVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.protobase.ProtobaseTenderTypeVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.system.BackupMonitorVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.system.CommunicationDirectoryDTO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.tax.TaxTableVO; public interface SBSystem extends EJBObject { public Vector getTaxTables (Integer location) throws RemoteException; public TaxTableVO getTaxTable (Integer location, Short id) throws RemoteException; public boolean isRebateApplicable(BaseLineItemVO baseLineItemVO, InvoiceVO invoiceVO) throws RemoteException; public boolean ableToAcceptROAPayments(Integer currentLoc, Integer empId) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public Vector getPrintersList(Integer location, Integer labelOrReportPrinter) throws RemoteException; public Vector getInvoicePrintersList(Integer location) throws RemoteException; public Vector getReportPrintersList (Integer location) throws RemoteException; public Short getProtobaseStateID(Integer location, String countryCD, String StateCD) throws RemoteException; public ProtobaseCreditCardVO getProtobaseCreditCardInfo (Integer location, Integer acct) throws RemoteException; public ProtobaseCheckVO getProtobaseCheckInfo (Integer location) throws RemoteException; public com.gpc.valueobjects.invoice.ProtobaseProcessorVO getProtobaseProcessorInfo (Integer location, Integer processorNumber) throws RemoteException; public com.gpc.valueobjects.invoice.ProtobaseProcessorVO getProtobaseProcessorInfo (Integer location, String cardType) throws RemoteException; public TerminalVO getTerminalFromIPAddress(String ipAddress, Integer location) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public boolean isTerminalInUse(String ipAddress) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public ProtobaseDeviceVO getProtobaseDeviceVO(Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public com.gpc.valueobjects.protobase.ProtobaseProcessorVO getProtobaseProcessorVO(Integer loc, String longName) throws RemoteException; public ArrayList getProtobaseProcessorVOs(Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public ArrayList getProtobaseTenderTypeRangeVOs(Integer loc, Short protobaseTenderTypeId) throws RemoteException; public ProtobaseTenderTypeVO getProtobaseTenderTypeVO(Integer loc, String name) throws RemoteException; public ArrayList getProtobaseTenderTypeVOs(Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public ArrayList getProtobaseTerminalVOs(Integer loc, Short protobaseProcessorId) throws RemoteException; public PbconfigVO getPbconfigVO(Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public void updatePbconfigVO(PbconfigVO pbconfig) throws RemoteException; public Hashtable getLabelContents(String deviceType, String labelName) throws RemoteException; public Hashtable getSystemBackupLabelData() throws RemoteException; public Date getServerDate() throws RemoteException; public BackupMonitorVO getBackupMonitorVO() throws RemoteException; public void updateBackupMonitor(BackupMonitorVO backupMonitorVO) throws RemoteException; public Boolean backupFileExists() throws RemoteException; public EndOfDayMonitorVO getEndOfDayMonitor(Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public String getEODLog(Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public EndOfDayMonitorVO getEODServerMonitorVO(Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public Boolean isEODInProgress(Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public Boolean isEODFailed(Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public void stopEOD(Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public RefEODTaskVO getRefEODTaskVO(Integer taskId, Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public ArrayList getRefEODTaskVOs(Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public Boolean getRgnC(Integer loc, String rgnC) throws RemoteException; public java.util.Date getDvdExpirationDate() throws RemoteException; public Integer getDvdRevision() throws RemoteException; public java.util.Date getDvdRevisionDate() throws RemoteException; public Integer getSystemOS() throws RemoteException; public String getServerIPAddress() throws RemoteException; public Integer copyDiskette(Integer option) throws RemoteException; public String getEJOEIIPAddress(Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public CommunicationDirectoryDTO getEJOEIICommunicationDirectoryDTO(int location) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public Boolean isMediaWritable(String deviceType) throws RemoteException; public Boolean isDeviceReady(String deviceType) throws RemoteException; public Boolean unMountDevice(String deviceType) throws RemoteException; public Boolean mountDevice(String deviceType) throws RemoteException; public String getSystemBackupDeviceType() throws RemoteException; public ArrayList getOffLineRefEODTaskVOs(Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public ArrayList getOffLineEODTaskHandlers(Integer loc) throws RemoteException; public Boolean isProtobaseDebugOn() throws RemoteException; public String getCatalogDiscrepancyURL() throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public ResultsVO invokeCommand(CommandVO vo) throws RemoteException; public Timestamp getTransactionTimestamp(Integer loc, Integer employeeID, String ipAddress, String programSource) throws RemoteException; public String getTransactionTime(Integer loc, Integer employeeID, String ipAddress, String programSource) throws RemoteException; public CommunicationDirectoryDTO getCommunicationDirectoryDTO(String storeNumber, int communicationType, int location) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public CommunicationDirectoryDTO getCommunicationDirectoryDTO(short branchNumber, int communicationType, int location) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public Boolean isDiskSpaceAvailable(long spaceRequired) throws RemoteException; /** * This method is invoked to get the list of available * planogram update types. * * @param Integer - The store Location. * @return List * * @throws java.rmi.RemoteException - * RemoteException. * @throws ApplicationException - * Application specific exception */ public List getAvailablePlanogramUpdates(Integer storeLocation) throws RemoteException,ApplicationException; public Boolean isARStatementImageExist() throws RemoteException; /** * Method returns count of bytes per record for the table. * * @param Table Name * @return Integer - count of bytes per record. * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException */ public Integer getByteSizePerRecord(String tableName) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This method is invoked to retrieve the proxy setting information. * * @return the {@link ProxyVO} object. * @throws RemoteException */ public ProxyVO getImageProxyConfigs() throws RemoteException; /** * This method is invoked to get the terminals associated with payment devices. * * @param Integer - The Location. * @return Hashtable - the list of terminals {@link TerminalVO}. * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException */ public Hashtable getTerminalsWithPaymentDevice(Integer location) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This method is invoked to get the terminal information by payment device. * * @param paymentDeviceNumber - The payment device number. * @param location - The location. * @return the {@link TerminalVO} object. * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException */ public TerminalVO getTerminalFromPaymentDevice(Integer paymentDevice, Integer location) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This method is invoked to update the terminal with payment device. * * @param ipAddress - The ip address. * @param paymentDeviceNumber - The payment device number. * @param location - The location. * @return boolean if terminal updated successfully true otherwise false. * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException */ public boolean updateTerminalWithPaymentDevice(String ipAddress, String paymentDeviceNumber, Integer location) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public boolean updateLastInterimStmtRunDate(String lastInterimStmtRunDate) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public java.util.Date getLastInterimStmtRunDate() throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This method is used to get date as string. * * @param profile : Where this class is running. * @param location : location. * @param clientTimeZoneID : Client TIMEZONE id. * @param field : Field to be manipulated. * @return Date in string format. * @throws RemoteException */ public String getDateAsString(int profile, int location, String clientTimeZoneID, int field) throws RemoteException; /** * This method gets restricted OS information. * * @return list of restricted OS details. * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException */ public Vector getRestrictedOSList() throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This is an utility method to send test email from TAMSII server. * * @param locale Application Locale * @param location Application location * @param address recipient address * @return true if mail sent successfully. * @throws RemoteException */ public boolean sendTestEmail(Locale locale, int location, String address) throws RemoteException; /** * This method returns PPSE2 health check URL * @return PPSE2 health check URL * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException */ public String getPPSE2HealthCheckURL() throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This method returns PPSE2 part info URL * @return PPSE2 part info URL * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException */ public String getPPSE2PartInfoURL() throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * @return * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException */ public String getPPSE2URL() throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * @return * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException */ public String getNapaXpressPunchoutURL() throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This method will determine whether skip backup option needs to be provided or not * @param location * @return boolean value indicating whether skip backup option needs to be provided or not * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException */ public boolean displaySkipBackupMessage(Integer location) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public void resetCatalogPreference(final int location)throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public void resetPauseTmsValue()throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This method returns the Operating system name of the server. * * @return Operating system name of the server */ String getOsName() throws RemoteException; /** * This method returns the Operating system version of the server. * * @return Operating system version of the server */ String getOsVersion() throws RemoteException; /** * This method returns the list of TIMEZONES available with the server * * @return the list of available TIMEZONES * @throws RemoteException If any remote exception occurs */ List getTimeZoneList() throws RemoteException; /** * This method returns the TIMEZONES that is currently set in the server * * @return the TIMEZONE * @throws RemoteException If any remote exception occurs */ TimeZoneVO getCurrentTimeZone() throws RemoteException; /** * Runs the catalog update. * * @param parameters the parameters * @return the result of the catalog update * @throws RemoteException If any RemoteException occurs */ Hashtable standaloneCatalogUpdate() throws RemoteException; /** * Sets the skip CDVD processing in END_OF_DAY_MONITOR table to the given value. * * @param skipDvdProcessing the skip DVD processing * @param loc the location code * @return true, if successfully updated * @throws RemoteException If any RemoteException occurs */ boolean setSkipCdvdProcessing(Boolean skipDvdProcessing, Integer loc) throws RemoteException; /** * Retrieves the available next ID of the given table and location code of the store. * * @param tableName the table name * @param loc the location code of the store * @return the next table id * @throws RemoteException If any RemoteException occurs */ Integer getNextTableId(String tableName, Integer loc) throws RemoteException; /** * This method returns the e-DVD file for processing. * Exposed here so the stand-alone class CatalogDvdLoader has access to it. * * @param location : contains location code * @param loadPreviousRevision : boolean indicating if the previous revision should be looked for. * @return : returns the e-DVD file * @throws RemoteException If any RemoteException occurs */ File getElectronicDVDFileForProcessing(Integer location, boolean loadPreviousRevision) throws RemoteException; /** * This method uncompress the e-DVD file to /usr/cd2 directory. * Exposed here so the stand-alone class CatalogDvdLoader has access to it. * * @param location : contains location code * @param loadPreviousRevision : boolean indicating if the previous revision should be looked for. * @throws CatalogUpdateException */ void uncompressEdvdFile(Integer location, boolean loadPreviousRevision) throws RemoteException; /** * This method uncompresses the Compressed DVD to hard drive. * Exposed here so the stand-alone class CatalogDvdLoader has access to it. * Enhanced to accept boolean catalogUpdateFromElectronicDVD, which is used to set * the CatalogUpdateProcessor class variable before calling loadCDvd. * Using default constructor of CatalogUpdateProcessor sets eodInProgress = true, * which disables UI messages in loadCDvd. * * @param catalogUpdateFromElectronicDVD boolean indicating if E-DVD file should be used. * @return true if DVD is successfully uncompressed else false * @throws CatalogUpdateException If uncompressed_cdvd script does exist or if any exception occurs during uncompression. */ void loadCDvd(boolean catalogUpdateFromElectronicDVD) throws RemoteException; /** * This method downloads or creates symbolic links to catalog files. * Exposed here so the stand-alone class CatalogDvdLoader has access to it. * Enhanced to accept boolean catalogUpdateFromElectronicDVD, which is used to set * the CatalogUpdateProcessor class variable before calling loadCDvd. * Using default constructor of CatalogUpdateProcessor sets eodInProgress = true, * which disables UI messages in loadCDvd. * * @param copyToHardDrive true if copy to hard drive flag is set else false. * @param catalogUpdateFromElectronicDVD boolean indicating if E-DVD file should be used. * @return true on successful download of catalog files to the hard drive else false. * @throws CatalogUpdateException If not able to read or copy the DVD to the hard drive. */ boolean loadUDvd(boolean copyToHardDrive, boolean catalogUpdateFromElectronicDVD) throws RemoteException; /** * This method returns requested URL from communication_url table * @Param urlName * @return URL * @throws ApplicationException */ public String getCommunicationURL(String urlName) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This method returns manager password * @return password * @throws ApplicationException */ public String getManagerPassword(String employeeNum) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This method is for getManagers * @return linkedHashMap of managers * @throws RemoteException, ApplicationException If any exception occurs while getting managers */ public LinkedHashMap getManagers() throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; }