server: port: 19111 address: localhost compression: enabled: true mime-types: application/json, application/xml context-path: / spring: jackson: default-property-inclusion: non_null mvc: pathmatch: matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher cloud: gcp: config: project-id: gpc-p-invpltfrm pubsub: project-id: gpc-p-invpltfrm enabled: false management: health: jms: enabled: false cassandra: keyspace: nsight # hostNames: localhost # userName: config # password: config hosts:,, userName: nsight_app password: 3COJ4s+6mpZnyIJ+G3YV70asJQVAIOHd4TqHkmHH68I= sslEnabled: false port: 9042 clusterName: Test Cluster fetchSize: 10000 datacenter: Atlanta #Tibco JMS tconnection tib: jms: jndiContextURL: tibjmsnaming://,tibjmsnaming:// #jndiContextURL: tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222,tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222 jndiSecurityCredential: J3vTj2oMBQSvsF+fpaENfcBDL7l7LfXe95LUpHtoC2E= password: J3vTj2oMBQSvsF+fpaENfcBDL7l7LfXe95LUpHtoC2E= siteRelationshipChangeTopic: QA.APG.NAM.COMMON.REFSITERELATION.T.V10 siteModifiedTopic: QA.APG.NAM.SITEMODIFIED.RCV.T.V10 hqlineAbbrevModifiedTopic: QA.APG.NAM.HQLINEMODIFIED.RCV.T.V10 storeIPModifiedTopic: QA.APG.NAM.STORECONFIG.UPDATE.TRIGGER.RCV.T.V10 jms2: jndiContextURL: tibjmsnaming://,tibjmsnaming:// jndiSecurityCredential: J3vTj2oMBQSvsF+fpaENfcBDL7l7LfXe95LUpHtoC2E= password: J3vTj2oMBQSvsF+fpaENfcBDL7l7LfXe95LUpHtoC2E= #jndiSecurityCredential: 0N2/i5KJ54y+uFUQupY1sDPLtCcJDG6gOJ4dYrIFW6w= #password: 0N2/i5KJ54y+uFUQupY1sDPLtCcJDG6gOJ4dYrIFW6w= #Application Settings #schedule - second, minute, hour, day of month, month, day(s) of week nsight: deliveryTypes: - UPSGROUND - PURGROUND - DC to Store Shuttle - Store to Store Shuttle - Store to Store Shuttle 2 - Store to Store Shuttle 3 - Store to Store Shuttle 4 - Store to Store Shuttle 5 - Store to Store Shuttle 6 - Store to Store Shuttle 7 - Store Will Pickup - Store Will Pickup 2 - Store Will Pickup 3 - Store Will Pickup 4 - Store Will Pickup 5 - Store Will Pickup 6 - Store Will Pickup 7 - Night Shuttle - Inter DC Shuttle To Store - Barge - Barge 2 - Barge 3 - Barge 4 - Barge 5 - Barge 6 - Barge 7 - Commercial Air - Commercial Air 2 - Commercial Air 3 - Commercial Air 4 - Commercial Air 5 - Commercial Air 6 - Commercial Air 7 loadingSchedule: 0 18 8 * * * clients: hybris: trKRs3hPbaWWm8PN jde: xsYp3NQYGT6ggrpM platinum: Ewg6aLhCR3nadBfb ppse: 9GqHDFR4GwraRVhs prolink: KzVW8WQZgfbuz9eb rpm: t7ARju3zQznaQzGZ tams: YBkKi7TWiqFk6tgM noluser: qwerT1234% WashingtonGroup: qr9KfqBZgmDvBX8B PartsDetect: '#!Ji+FSt4Iw9fog7ODro4leY0EVREnRdOYORMcWvZeRMbSiMKBumiZhALQRvpElUWy' cacheRefreshInterval: 5 callNonTAMS: true plaOracle: true plaViewName: '"TIBCS"."product_line_availability"' tamsTimeout: 15000 rpmURL: uapDCURL: rpmTimeout: 4000 uapTimeout: 9000 isscTimeout: 6000 rpmSecurity: '!#!priceQty!#!' b2bServices: ISSCQuery,FinditUAP,PartPriceAvailability paidMOTS: UPSGROUND,PURGROUND posServiceThreads: 60 combineMainCounter: true combineDCList: 123,NO, storeIPThreshold: 5500 useNewStoreIPService: true useHQAbbrevLogic: false applyHQAbbrevUAP: false cfgMgmtURL: cfgMgmtUser: esbuser cfgMgmtPassword: tibco123 cfgMgmtAPIUser: esbuser cfgMgmtAPIPassword: hFc3ZtuiBCzM3Zku cfgMgmtTimeout: 4000 useRpmV2: false rpmURLV2: rpmUser: esb rpmPassword: 81edc5a3f2b195abcc024b6201dc6b32103637850cb7271516d10bba0947c4cc59758918cd1bc1649d67c50b515958b338afff3e1d13989f168689a448f0b23a useUTC: true defaultPaidExpectationTime: '20:00:00' edwQueueV2: QA.APG.NAM.PARTINQUIRY.JAVA.TO.BW.Q.V20 requestTopic: QA.APG.NAM.GETPARTS.REQUEST.NSIGHT.TOPIC.V20 storeip: host: port: 443 uri: lookupstoreip security: basic: enabled: true ibizproduct: url: username: esbuser password: zupohlq9J5koVuxhnoMMh9OUdrzZtlF3cn+XmzC1lyQ= timeout: 10000 inventory: gcpServiceAccount: /opt/esb/config/nsight-product-availability-iv/gpc-s-invpltfrm-esb-gsm.encrypted availabilityURL: delivery: freeDeliveryURL: