-- ************************************************************** -- -- TAMS II database upgrade script -- From v. to v. -- This script must be run by a user with DBA authority. -- Open this script using dbisqlc. Do not copy and paste this script into dbisqlc. -- This script can take several minutes to open and run. -- -- ************************************************************** SET TEMPORARY OPTION ALLOW_NULLS_BY_DEFAULT = 'ON'; -- Settings only for Sybase SQL Anywhere 7. IF (SELECT SUBSTRING(PROPERTY('ProductVersion'), 1, PATINDEX('%.%', PROPERTY('ProductVersion')) - 1)) = '7' THEN -- The AUTOMATIC_TIMESTAMP setting is deprecated in Sybase SQL Anywhere 11 - the default behavior is 'OFF'. SET TEMPORARY OPTION AUTOMATIC_TIMESTAMP = 'OFF'; END IF; CREATE VARIABLE v_this_rev VARCHAR(20); CREATE VARIABLE v_last_rev VARCHAR(20); CREATE VARIABLE v_rev_date DATE; CREATE VARIABLE v_rev_note LONG VARCHAR; CREATE VARIABLE v_msg VARCHAR(254); CREATE VARIABLE b_upgrade BIT; CREATE VARIABLE i_script_type INTEGER; -- 0 = Developer Script (Project build), 1 = Production Script (Release build) SET v_last_rev = 'v.'; SET v_this_rev = 'v.'; SET v_rev_date = '2024-06-26'; SET v_rev_note = 'This release implements change(s) SPP-198, SPP-197, SPP-199, TNSS-7679, TNSS-7680, TNSS-7753, TNSS-7681, EOD-168'; SET b_upgrade = 1; SET i_script_type = 1; IF i_script_type = 1 THEN IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db_release WHERE release_num = v_last_rev OR (LEFT(release_num, 9) = LEFT(v_this_rev, 9) -- Accept range of minor version numbers AND RIGHT(release_num, 3) BETWEEN '.00' AND RIGHT(v_this_rev, 3))) < 1 THEN SET v_msg = 'Database is not on revision ' || v_last_rev || '!'; SET b_upgrade = 0; MESSAGE v_msg TYPE WARNING TO CLIENT; END IF; END IF; SETUSER tams; IF b_upgrade = 1 THEN -- Begin the big IF statement! IF i_script_type = 1 THEN SET v_msg = 'Updating database to version ' || v_this_rev || ', please wait...'; MESSAGE v_msg TO CLIENT; DELETE FROM db_release WHERE release_num = v_last_rev OR (LEFT(release_num, 9) = LEFT(v_this_rev, 9) -- Accept range of minor version numbers AND RIGHT(release_num, 3) BETWEEN '.00' AND RIGHT(v_this_rev, 3)); SET v_msg = 'Upgrading from ' || v_last_rev || ' to ' || v_this_rev || '...' || '00% done.'; INSERT INTO db_release VALUES ('NOLOG', v_rev_date, v_msg); END IF; -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Structure changes --=============================== MESSAGE 'Beginning structure changes.' TO CLIENT; -- Begin SPP-198 CALL tams_dba.sp_drop_object('table', 'CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING'); CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING ( ID INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT AUTOINCREMENT, CUSTOMER_NUMBER INTEGER NOT NULL, LINE_ABBREV VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(LINE_ABBREV) >= 2 AND PATINDEX('%[^A-Z0-9]%',LINE_ABBREV)=0), PART_NUMBER VARCHAR(22) NOT NULL CHECK (PATINDEX('%[^A-Z0-9]%',PART_NUMBER)=0), EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE DATE NOT NULL, EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE DATE NOT NULL, PRICE_LEVEL VARCHAR(5), REF_PRICE_SHEET_CD VARCHAR(2), MARKUP_PERCENT DECIMAL(5,2), EXACT_PRICE DECIMAL(10,2) CHECK (EXACT_PRICE >= 0), CONTRACT_FLAG VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (CONTRACT_FLAG IN ('Y', 'N')), REF_CURRENCY_ROUNDING_CD VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', REASON_CODE VARCHAR(10), DELETE_FLAG VARCHAR(1) CHECK (DELETE_FLAG IN ('Y')), SOURCE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER INTEGER NOT NULL, SOURCE_SYSTEM_PARENT_IDENTIFIER_LIST VARCHAR(20), SOURCE_SYSTEM_PUBLISHER VARCHAR(20), SOURCE_UPDATED_TS TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, LAST_MODIFIED_DATE TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMP ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX XAK1CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING ON CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING ( CUSTOMER_NUMBER ASC, LINE_ABBREV ASC, PART_NUMBER ASC, EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE ASC ); ALTER TABLE CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING ADD PRIMARY KEY (ID); COMMENT ON TABLE CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING IS 'Provides a Price Level, Price Sheet & markup %, or an exact price for a Customer and Product (line abbrev & part number) combination. A resulting Price Level is resolved with a lookup in another table.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.ID IS 'PK autoicrement field'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.CUSTOMER_NUMBER IS 'Customer Account Number in the AR Group.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.LINE_ABBREV IS 'Field (DC, TAMS, customer facing) product line abbreviation code.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.PART_NUMBER IS 'Product part number with all non alpha-numeric characters removed. This field is used with a product line (HQ or Field) to identify and determine a unique product.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE IS 'The first date this price rule is effective.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE IS 'The last date when this price rule is effective.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.PRICE_LEVEL IS 'The price level to lookup in another table to calculate the price.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.REF_PRICE_SHEET_CD IS 'The price sheet of the product to use as the basis for price calculation.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.MARKUP_PERCENT IS 'The markup (or down if negative) to apply to the price sheet.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.EXACT_PRICE IS 'The exact price to use for the product.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.CONTRACT_FLAG IS 'Y=Yes; N=No. Indicates this pricing rule is for a contract with the customer and should not consider promo pricing.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.REF_CURRENCY_ROUNDING_CD IS 'Indicates if Penny or Dollar level rounding rules should be applied the customer price.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.REASON_CODE IS 'A code that gives additional insight on the pricing platform system into why a particular price rule was calculated.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.DELETE_FLAG IS 'Y=Yes. Indicates a record was logically deleted, and should not be used for price calculation (not initially used).'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.SOURCE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER IS 'The ID of this record on the pricing platform system (PriceFX).'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.SOURCE_SYSTEM_PARENT_IDENTIFIER_LIST IS 'A comma-separated list of source system ID values that this record replaces.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.SOURCE_SYSTEM_PUBLISHER IS 'The name of the source system that published this pricing rule record.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.SOURCE_UPDATED_TS IS 'The timestamp when the source system published the record. Used during out-of-sequence file processing to prevent overwriting newer records with older records.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING.LAST_MODIFIED_DATE IS 'The timestamp this record was last inserted/updated.'; ALTER TABLE CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING ADD FOREIGN KEY FK_CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING_REF_PRICE_SHEET ( REF_PRICE_SHEET_CD) REFERENCES REF_PRICE_SHEET (CD) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT; ALTER TABLE CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING ADD FOREIGN KEY FK_CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING_REF_CURRENCY_ROUNDING ( REF_CURRENCY_ROUNDING_CD) REFERENCES REF_CURRENCY_ROUNDING (CD) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT; GRANT SELECT ON CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING TO tams_read, support_l12; GRANT DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE ON CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING TO tams_modify, support_l12; GRANT ALL ON CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING TO support_l34; -- End SPP-198 MESSAGE '10% done...' TO CLIENT; IF i_script_type = 1 THEN UPDATE db_release SET notes = SUBSTRING(notes, 1, CHARINDEX('%', notes) - 3) || '10% done.' WHERE release_num = 'NOLOG'; END IF; -- Begin TNSS-7753 ALTER TABLE employee MODIFY password VARCHAR(60); ALTER TABLE password_history MODIFY password VARCHAR(60); -- End TNSS-7753 -- Begin SPP-197 CALL tams_dba.sp_drop_object('table', 'CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT'); CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT ( ID INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT AUTOINCREMENT, CUSTOMER_NUMBER INTEGER NOT NULL, EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE DATE NOT NULL, EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE DATE NOT NULL, CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_ID VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_NAME VARCHAR(30), GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID VARCHAR(30), DELETE_FLAG VARCHAR(1) CHECK (DELETE_FLAG IN ('Y')), SOURCE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER INTEGER NOT NULL, SOURCE_SYSTEM_PARENT_IDENTIFIER_LIST VARCHAR(20), SOURCE_SYSTEM_PUBLISHER VARCHAR(20), SOURCE_UPDATED_TS TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, LAST_MODIFIED_DATE TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMP ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX XAK1CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT ON CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT ( CUSTOMER_NUMBER ASC, EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE ASC ); ALTER TABLE CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT ADD PRIMARY KEY (ID); COMMENT ON TABLE CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT IS 'Maps a customer to a customer segment. Pricing for Customer segements are resolved in another table.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT.ID IS 'PK autoicrement field'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT.CUSTOMER_NUMBER IS 'Customer Account Number in the AR Group.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT.EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE IS 'The first date this price rule is effective.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT.EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE IS 'The last date when this price rule is effective.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT.CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_ID IS 'The customer segment for a customer.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT.CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_NAME IS 'The name for the customer segment.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT.GLOBAL_CUSTOMER_ID IS 'UUID value for this customer from the Customer Domain.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT.DELETE_FLAG IS 'Y=Yes. Indicates a record was logically deleted, and should not be used for price calculation (not initially used).'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT.SOURCE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER IS 'The ID of this record on the pricing platform system (PriceFX).'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT.SOURCE_SYSTEM_PARENT_IDENTIFIER_LIST IS 'A comma-separated list of source system ID values that this record replaces.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT.SOURCE_SYSTEM_PUBLISHER IS 'The name of the source system that published this pricing rule record.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT.SOURCE_UPDATED_TS IS 'The timestamp when the source system published the record. Used during out-of-sequence file processing to prevent overwriting newer records with older records.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT.LAST_MODIFIED_DATE IS 'The timestamp this record was last inserted/updated.'; GRANT SELECT ON CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT TO tams_read, support_l12; GRANT DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE ON CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT TO tams_modify, support_l12; GRANT ALL ON CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT TO support_l34; -- End SPP-197 -- Begin SPP-199 CALL tams_dba.sp_drop_object('table', 'CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING'); CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING ( ID INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT AUTOINCREMENT, CUSTOMER_NUMBER INTEGER NOT NULL, PRODUCT_CATEGORY VARCHAR(20), LINE_ABBREV VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(LINE_ABBREV) >= 2 AND PATINDEX('%[^A-Z0-9]%',LINE_ABBREV)=0), GROUP_CODE SMALLINT CHECK (GROUP_CODE BETWEEN 0 AND 999), EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE DATE NOT NULL, EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE DATE NOT NULL, PRICE_LEVEL VARCHAR(5), REF_PRICE_SHEET_CD VARCHAR(2), MARKUP_PERCENT DECIMAL(5,2), EXACT_PRICE DECIMAL(10,2), CONTRACT_FLAG VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (CONTRACT_FLAG IN ('Y', 'N')), REF_CURRENCY_ROUNDING_CD VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', REASON_CODE VARCHAR(10), DELETE_FLAG VARCHAR(1) CHECK (DELETE_FLAG IN ('Y')), SOURCE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER INTEGER NOT NULL, SOURCE_SYSTEM_PARENT_IDENTIFIER_LIST VARCHAR(20), SOURCE_SYSTEM_PUBLISHER VARCHAR(20), SOURCE_UPDATED_TS TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, LAST_MODIFIED_DATE TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMP ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX XAK1CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING ON CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING ( CUSTOMER_NUMBER ASC, PRODUCT_CATEGORY ASC, LINE_ABBREV ASC, GROUP_CODE ASC, EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE ASC ); ALTER TABLE CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING ADD PRIMARY KEY (ID); COMMENT ON TABLE CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING IS 'Provides a Price Level or Price Sheet & markup % for a Customer Segment and Product Category, Product Line, or Product Line and Group Code combination. This table is used to resolve a Customer Segment lookup. A resulting Price Level is resolved with a lookup in another table.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.ID IS 'PK autoicrement field'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.CUSTOMER_NUMBER IS 'Customer Account Number in the AR Group.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.PRODUCT_CATEGORY IS 'Indicates a broad category of products that this pricing rule applies to (not initially used).'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.LINE_ABBREV IS 'Field (DC, TAMS, customer facing) product line abbreviation code.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.GROUP_CODE IS 'Product group code. Subdivision of a product line.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE IS 'The first date this price rule is effective.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE IS 'The last date when this price rule is effective.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.PRICE_LEVEL IS 'The price level to lookup in another table to calculate the price.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.REF_PRICE_SHEET_CD IS 'The price sheet of the product to use as the basis for price calculation.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.MARKUP_PERCENT IS 'The markup (or down if negative) to apply to the price sheet.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.EXACT_PRICE IS 'The exact price to use for the product.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.CONTRACT_FLAG IS 'Y=Yes; N=No. Indicates this pricing rule is for a contract with the customer and should not consider promo pricing.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.REF_CURRENCY_ROUNDING_CD IS 'Indicates if Penny or Dollar level rounding rules should be applied the customer price.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.REASON_CODE IS 'A code that gives additional insight on the pricing platform system into why a particular price rule was calculated.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.DELETE_FLAG IS 'Y=Yes. Indicates a record was logically deleted, and should not be used for price calculation (not initially used).'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.SOURCE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER IS 'The ID of this record on the pricing platform system (PriceFX).'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.SOURCE_SYSTEM_PARENT_IDENTIFIER_LIST IS 'A comma-separated list of source system ID values that this record replaces.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.SOURCE_SYSTEM_PUBLISHER IS 'The name of the source system that published this pricing rule record.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.SOURCE_UPDATED_TS IS 'The timestamp when the source system published the record. Used during out-of-sequence file processing to prevent overwriting newer records with older records.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING.LAST_MODIFIED_DATE IS 'The timestamp this record was last inserted/updated.'; ALTER TABLE CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING ADD FOREIGN KEY FK_CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING_REF_PRICE_SHEET ( REF_PRICE_SHEET_CD) REFERENCES REF_PRICE_SHEET (CD) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT; ALTER TABLE CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING ADD FOREIGN KEY FK_CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING_REF_CURRENCY_ROUNDING ( REF_CURRENCY_ROUNDING_CD) REFERENCES REF_CURRENCY_ROUNDING (CD) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT; GRANT SELECT ON CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING TO tams_read, support_l12; GRANT DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE ON CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING TO tams_modify, support_l12; GRANT ALL ON CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING TO support_l34; -- End SPP-199 MESSAGE '20% done...' TO CLIENT; IF i_script_type = 1 THEN UPDATE db_release SET notes = SUBSTRING(notes, 1, CHARINDEX('%', notes) - 3) || '20% done.' WHERE release_num = 'NOLOG'; END IF; -- Begin EOD-168 CALL tams_dba.sp_drop_object('table', 'STORE_DAY_CLOSED'); CREATE TABLE STORE_DAY_CLOSED ( CLOSED_DAY DATE NOT NULL, NAME VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE STORE_DAY_CLOSED ADD PRIMARY KEY (CLOSED_DAY); CALL tams_dba.sp_drop_object('table', 'STORE_HOUR_EXCEPTION'); CREATE TABLE STORE_HOUR_EXCEPTION ( EXCEPTION_DATE DATE NOT NULL, OPEN_TIME TIME NOT NULL, CLOSE_TIME TIME NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE STORE_HOUR_EXCEPTION ADD PRIMARY KEY (EXCEPTION_DATE); CALL tams_dba.sp_drop_object('table', 'STORE_HOURS'); CREATE TABLE STORE_HOURS ( REF_DAY_OF_WEEK_ID TINYINT NOT NULL CHECK (REF_DAY_OF_WEEK_ID BETWEEN 0 AND 6), STORE_IS_OPEN VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (STORE_IS_OPEN IN ('Y', 'N')), OPEN_TIME TIME, CLOSE_TIME TIME ); ALTER TABLE STORE_HOURS ADD PRIMARY KEY (REF_DAY_OF_WEEK_ID); COMMENT ON COLUMN STORE_HOURS.STORE_IS_OPEN IS 'Y=Yes; N=No'; ALTER TABLE STORE_HOURS ADD FOREIGN KEY FK_STORE_HOURS_REF_DAY_OF_WEEK ( REF_DAY_OF_WEEK_ID) REFERENCES REF_DAY_OF_WEEK (ID) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT; GRANT SELECT ON STORE_DAY_CLOSED TO tams_read, support_l12; GRANT SELECT ON STORE_HOUR_EXCEPTION TO tams_read, support_l12; GRANT SELECT ON STORE_HOURS TO tams_read, support_l12; GRANT DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE ON STORE_DAY_CLOSED TO tams_modify, support_l12; GRANT DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE ON STORE_HOUR_EXCEPTION TO tams_modify, support_l12; GRANT DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE ON STORE_HOURS TO tams_modify, support_l12; GRANT ALL ON STORE_DAY_CLOSED TO support_l34; GRANT ALL ON STORE_HOUR_EXCEPTION TO support_l34; GRANT ALL ON STORE_HOURS TO support_l34; -- End EOD-168 MESSAGE '30% done...' TO CLIENT; IF i_script_type = 1 THEN UPDATE db_release SET notes = SUBSTRING(notes, 1, CHARINDEX('%', notes) - 3) || '30% done.' WHERE release_num = 'NOLOG'; END IF; -- -- Data changes --=============================== MESSAGE 'Completed structure changes.' TO CLIENT; MESSAGE 'Beginning data changes.' TO CLIENT; MESSAGE '40% done...' TO CLIENT; IF i_script_type = 1 THEN UPDATE db_release SET notes = SUBSTRING(notes, 1, CHARINDEX('%', notes) - 3) || '40% done.' WHERE release_num = 'NOLOG'; END IF; --Begin TNSS-7679 INSERT INTO data_extract_table SELECT ( SELECT isnull(MAX(id), 0) FROM data_extract_table ) + NUMBER() AS max_id , systable.table_name AS table_name , 2 AS extract_type , 0 AS include_delete , 0 AS initial_load , NULL AS initial_load_from_date , CAST(NULL AS DATETIME) AS initial_load_date FROM systable WHERE systable.table_name IN ('CUSTOMER_CERTIFICATION','CERTIFICATION_PART','CERTIFICATION_PART_GROUP','CERTIFICATION_STATE') AND systable.table_name NOT IN ( SELECT NAME FROM data_extract_table ); --End TNSS-7679 --Begin TNSS-7680 INSERT INTO data_extract_column SELECT ( SELECT isnull(MAX(id), 0) FROM data_extract_column ) + NUMBER() AS max_id , data_extract_table.id , syscolumn.column_name , syscolumn.column_id FROM syscolumn INNER JOIN systable ON systable.table_id = syscolumn.table_id INNER JOIN data_extract_table ON data_extract_table.name = systable.table_name WHERE systable.table_name IN ( 'CUSTOMER_CERTIFICATION' , 'CERTIFICATION_PART' , 'CERTIFICATION_PART_GROUP' , 'CERTIFICATION_STATE') AND systable.table_name || syscolumn.column_name NOT IN ( SELECT dt.name || dc.name FROM data_extract_column dc , data_extract_table dt WHERE dc.data_extract_table_id = dt.id AND dt.name IN ( 'CUSTOMER_CERTIFICATION' , 'CERTIFICATION_PART' , 'CERTIFICATION_PART_GROUP' , 'CERTIFICATION_STATE')) ORDER BY syscolumn.table_id , syscolumn.column_id; --End TNSS-7680 --Begin TNSS-7681 INSERT INTO data_extract_table_identifier SELECT ( SELECT isnull(MAX(id), 0) FROM data_extract_table_identifier ) + NUMBER() AS max_id , data_extract_table_id , NAME AS identifier , 'TABLE_ID_ENTRY' AS incr_identifier_column FROM data_extract_column WHERE sequence = 1 AND data_extract_table_id IN ( SELECT id FROM data_extract_table WHERE NAME IN ('CUSTOMER_CERTIFICATION','CERTIFICATION_PART','CERTIFICATION_PART_GROUP','CERTIFICATION_STATE')) AND data_extract_table_id NOT IN ( SELECT data_extract_table_id FROM data_extract_table_identifier ) ORDER BY data_extract_table_id; --End TNSS-7681 MESSAGE '50% done...' TO CLIENT; IF i_script_type = 1 THEN UPDATE db_release SET notes = SUBSTRING(notes, 1, CHARINDEX('%', notes) - 3) || '50% done.' WHERE release_num = 'NOLOG'; END IF; MESSAGE '60% done...' TO CLIENT; IF i_script_type = 1 THEN UPDATE db_release SET notes = SUBSTRING(notes, 1, CHARINDEX('%', notes) - 3) || '60% done.' WHERE release_num = 'NOLOG'; END IF; MESSAGE '70% done...' TO CLIENT; IF i_script_type = 1 THEN UPDATE db_release SET notes = SUBSTRING(notes, 1, CHARINDEX('%', notes) - 3) || '70% done.' WHERE release_num = 'NOLOG'; END IF; -- -- Stored Procedure Changes --=============================== MESSAGE 'Completed data changes.' TO CLIENT; MESSAGE 'Beginning stored procedure and function changes.' TO CLIENT; MESSAGE '80% done...' TO CLIENT; IF i_script_type = 1 THEN UPDATE db_release SET notes = SUBSTRING(notes, 1, CHARINDEX('%', notes) - 3) || '80% done.' WHERE release_num = 'NOLOG'; END IF; -- -- Trigger Changes --=============================== MESSAGE 'Completed stored procedure and function changes.' TO CLIENT; MESSAGE 'Beginning trigger changes.' TO CLIENT; MESSAGE '90% done...' TO CLIENT; IF i_script_type = 1 THEN UPDATE db_release SET notes = SUBSTRING(notes, 1, CHARINDEX('%', notes) - 3) || '90% done.' WHERE release_num = 'NOLOG'; END IF; -- Begin SPP-198 CALL tams_dba.sp_drop_object('trigger', 'tr_bi_customer_to_item_pricing'); CREATE TRIGGER tr_bi_customer_to_item_pricing BEFORE INSERT ON CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING REFERENCING NEW AS inserted for each row BEGIN IF (CASE WHEN inserted.price_level IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN inserted.ref_price_sheet_cd IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN inserted.exact_price IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) <> 1 THEN RAISERROR 18253 'tr_bi_customer_to_item_pricing: Must have a value for exactly one of PRICE_LEVEL, REF_PRICE_SHEET_CD, and EXACT_PRICE (the others must be NULL).'; END IF; IF (CASE WHEN inserted.ref_price_sheet_cd IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN inserted.markup_percent IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) = 1 THEN RAISERROR 18254 'tr_bi_customer_to_item_pricing: Either REF_PRICE_SHEET_CD and MARKUP_PERCENT both must have a value or neither must have a value.'; END IF; IF inserted.effective_from_date > inserted.effective_to_date THEN RAISERROR 18255 'tr_bi_customer_to_item_pricing: EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE cannot be earlier than EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE.'; END IF; -- Remove any older records that conflict with the incoming record. DELETE FROM CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING WHERE customer_number = inserted.customer_number AND line_abbrev = inserted.line_abbrev AND part_number = inserted.part_number AND ( effective_from_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR effective_to_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR inserted.effective_from_date BETWEEN effective_from_date AND effective_to_date ) AND source_updated_ts <= inserted.source_updated_ts AND id <> inserted.id; -- If there is a conflicting newer record, we can't insert this one. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING WHERE customer_number = inserted.customer_number AND line_abbrev = inserted.line_abbrev AND part_number = inserted.part_number AND ( effective_from_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR effective_to_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR inserted.effective_from_date BETWEEN effective_from_date AND effective_to_date ) AND source_updated_ts > inserted.source_updated_ts AND id <> inserted.id ) THEN RAISERROR 18250 'tr_bi_customer_to_item_pricing: Newer record with conflicting criteria already exists.'; END IF; END; CALL tams_dba.sp_drop_object('trigger', 'tr_bu_customer_to_item_pricing'); CREATE TRIGGER tr_bu_customer_to_item_pricing BEFORE UPDATE ON CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING REFERENCING OLD AS deleted NEW AS inserted for each row BEGIN IF (CASE WHEN inserted.price_level IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN inserted.ref_price_sheet_cd IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN inserted.exact_price IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) <> 1 THEN RAISERROR 18253 'tr_bu_customer_to_item_pricing: Must have a value for exactly one of PRICE_LEVEL, REF_PRICE_SHEET_CD, and EXACT_PRICE (the others must be NULL).'; END IF; IF (CASE WHEN inserted.ref_price_sheet_cd IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN inserted.markup_percent IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) = 1 THEN RAISERROR 18254 'tr_bu_customer_to_item_pricing: Either REF_PRICE_SHEET_CD and MARKUP_PERCENT both must have a value or neither must have a value.'; END IF; IF inserted.effective_from_date > inserted.effective_to_date THEN RAISERROR 18255 'tr_bu_customer_to_item_pricing: EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE cannot be earlier than EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE.'; END IF; -- Prevent updates if there are any conflicting records. The user must clean up any conflicts before updating. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING WHERE customer_number = inserted.customer_number AND line_abbrev = inserted.line_abbrev AND part_number = inserted.part_number AND ( effective_from_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR effective_to_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR inserted.effective_from_date BETWEEN effective_from_date AND effective_to_date ) AND id <> inserted.id ) THEN RAISERROR 18260 'tr_bu_customer_to_item_pricing: Record with conflicting criteria already exists.'; END IF; END; -- End SPP-198 -- Begin SPP-197 CALL tams_dba.sp_drop_object('trigger', 'tr_bi_customer_to_customer_segment'); CREATE TRIGGER tr_bi_customer_to_customer_segment BEFORE INSERT ON CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT REFERENCING NEW AS inserted for each row BEGIN IF inserted.effective_from_date > inserted.effective_to_date THEN RAISERROR 18255 'tr_bi_customer_to_customer_segment: EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE cannot be earlier than EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE.'; END IF; DELETE FROM CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT WHERE customer_number = inserted.customer_number AND ( effective_from_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR effective_to_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR inserted.effective_from_date BETWEEN effective_from_date AND effective_to_date ) AND source_updated_ts <= inserted.source_updated_ts AND id <> inserted.id; -- If there is a conflicting newer record, we can't insert this one. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT WHERE customer_number = inserted.customer_number AND ( effective_from_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR effective_to_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR inserted.effective_from_date BETWEEN effective_from_date AND effective_to_date ) AND source_updated_ts > inserted.source_updated_ts AND id <> inserted.id ) THEN RAISERROR 18250 'tr_bi_customer_to_customer_segment: Newer record with conflicting criteria already exists.'; END IF; END; CALL tams_dba.sp_drop_object('trigger', 'tr_bu_customer_to_customer_segment'); CREATE TRIGGER tr_bu_customer_to_customer_segment BEFORE UPDATE ON CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT REFERENCING OLD AS deleted NEW AS inserted for each row BEGIN IF inserted.effective_from_date > inserted.effective_to_date THEN RAISERROR 18255 'tr_bu_customer_to_customer_segment: EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE cannot be earlier than EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE.'; END IF; -- Prevent updates if there are any conflicting records. The user must clean up any conflicts before updating. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT WHERE customer_number = inserted.customer_number AND ( effective_from_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR effective_to_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR inserted.effective_from_date BETWEEN effective_from_date AND effective_to_date ) AND id <> inserted.id ) THEN RAISERROR 18260 'tr_bu_customer_to_customer_segment: Record with conflicting criteria already exists.'; END IF; END; -- End SPP-197 -- Begin SPP-199 CALL tams_dba.sp_drop_object('trigger', 'tr_bi_customer_to_product_segment_pricing'); CREATE TRIGGER tr_bi_customer_to_product_segment_pricing BEFORE INSERT ON CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING REFERENCING NEW AS inserted for each row BEGIN IF (CASE WHEN inserted.line_abbrev IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN inserted.product_category IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) <> 1 THEN RAISERROR 18251 'tr_bi_customer_to_product_segment_pricing: Must have a value for only one of LINE_ABBREV and PRODUCT_CATEGORY (the other must be NULL).'; END IF; IF inserted.line_abbrev IS NULL AND inserted.group_code IS NOT NULL THEN RAISERROR 18252 'tr_bi_customer_to_product_segment_pricing: Cannot have value for GROUP_CODE without a value for LINE_ABBREV.'; END IF; IF (CASE WHEN inserted.price_level IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN inserted.ref_price_sheet_cd IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN inserted.exact_price IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) <> 1 THEN RAISERROR 18253 'tr_bi_customer_to_product_segment_pricing: Must have a value for exactly one of PRICE_LEVEL, REF_PRICE_SHEET_CD, and EXACT_PRICE (the others must be NULL).'; END IF; IF (CASE WHEN inserted.ref_price_sheet_cd IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN inserted.markup_percent IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) = 1 THEN RAISERROR 18254 'tr_bi_customer_to_product_segment_pricing: Either REF_PRICE_SHEET_CD and MARKUP_PERCENT both must have a value or neither must have a value.'; END IF; IF inserted.effective_from_date > inserted.effective_to_date THEN RAISERROR 18255 'tr_bi_customer_to_product_segment_pricing: EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE cannot be earlier than EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE.'; END IF; IF inserted.line_abbrev IS NOT NULL THEN -- Remove any older records that conflict with the incoming record. DELETE FROM CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING WHERE customer_number = inserted.customer_number AND product_category IS NULL AND line_abbrev = inserted.line_abbrev AND ISNULL(group_code, -1) = ISNULL(inserted.group_code, -1) AND ( effective_from_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR effective_to_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR inserted.effective_from_date BETWEEN effective_from_date AND effective_to_date ) AND source_updated_ts <= inserted.source_updated_ts AND id <> inserted.id; -- If there is a conflicting newer record, we can't insert this one. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING WHERE customer_number = inserted.customer_number AND product_category IS NULL AND line_abbrev = inserted.line_abbrev AND ISNULL(group_code, -1) = ISNULL(inserted.group_code, -1) AND ( effective_from_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR effective_to_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR inserted.effective_from_date BETWEEN effective_from_date AND effective_to_date ) AND source_updated_ts > inserted.source_updated_ts AND id <> inserted.id ) THEN RAISERROR 18250 'tr_bi_customer_to_product_segment_pricing: Newer record with conflicting criteria already exists.'; END IF; ELSE -- Remove any older records that conflict with the incoming record. DELETE FROM CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING WHERE customer_number = inserted.customer_number AND product_category = inserted.product_category AND line_abbrev IS NULL AND group_code IS NULL AND ( effective_from_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR effective_to_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR inserted.effective_from_date BETWEEN effective_from_date AND effective_to_date ) AND source_updated_ts <= inserted.source_updated_ts AND id <> inserted.id; -- If there is a conflicting newer record, we can't insert this one. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING WHERE customer_number = inserted.customer_number AND product_category = inserted.product_category AND line_abbrev IS NULL AND group_code IS NULL AND ( effective_from_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR effective_to_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR inserted.effective_from_date BETWEEN effective_from_date AND effective_to_date ) AND source_updated_ts > inserted.source_updated_ts AND id <> inserted.id ) THEN RAISERROR 18250 'tr_bi_customer_to_product_segment_pricing: Newer record with conflicting criteria already exists.'; END IF; END IF; END; CALL tams_dba.sp_drop_object('trigger', 'tr_bu_customer_to_product_segment_pricing'); CREATE TRIGGER tr_bu_customer_to_product_segment_pricing BEFORE UPDATE ON CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING REFERENCING OLD AS deleted NEW AS inserted for each row BEGIN IF (CASE WHEN inserted.line_abbrev IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN inserted.product_category IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) <> 1 THEN RAISERROR 18251 'tr_bu_customer_to_product_segment_pricing: Must have a value for only one of LINE_ABBREV and PRODUCT_CATEGORY (the other must be NULL).'; END IF; IF inserted.line_abbrev IS NULL AND inserted.group_code IS NOT NULL THEN RAISERROR 18252 'tr_bu_customer_to_product_segment_pricing: Cannot have value for GROUP_CODE without a value for LINE_ABBREV.'; END IF; IF (CASE WHEN inserted.price_level IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN inserted.ref_price_sheet_cd IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN inserted.exact_price IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) <> 1 THEN RAISERROR 18253 'tr_bu_customer_to_product_segment_pricing: Must have a value for exactly one of PRICE_LEVEL, REF_PRICE_SHEET_CD, and EXACT_PRICE (the others must be NULL).'; END IF; IF (CASE WHEN inserted.ref_price_sheet_cd IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN inserted.markup_percent IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) = 1 THEN RAISERROR 18254 'tr_bu_customer_to_product_segment_pricing: Either REF_PRICE_SHEET_CD and MARKUP_PERCENT both must have a value or neither must have a value.'; END IF; IF inserted.effective_from_date > inserted.effective_to_date THEN RAISERROR 18255 'tr_bu_customer_to_product_segment_pricing: EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE cannot be earlier than EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE.'; END IF; IF inserted.line_abbrev IS NOT NULL THEN -- Prevent updates if there are any conflicting records. The user must clean up any conflicts before updating. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING WHERE customer_number = inserted.customer_number AND product_category IS NULL AND line_abbrev = inserted.line_abbrev AND ISNULL(group_code, -1) = ISNULL(inserted.group_code, -1) AND ( effective_from_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR effective_to_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR inserted.effective_from_date BETWEEN effective_from_date AND effective_to_date ) AND id <> inserted.id ) THEN RAISERROR 18260 'tr_bu_customer_to_product_segment_pricing: Record with conflicting criteria already exists.'; END IF; ELSE -- Prevent updates if there are any conflicting records. The user must clean up any conflicts before updating. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING WHERE customer_number = inserted.customer_number AND product_category = inserted.product_category AND line_abbrev IS NULL AND group_code IS NULL AND ( effective_from_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR effective_to_date BETWEEN inserted.effective_from_date AND inserted.effective_to_date OR inserted.effective_from_date BETWEEN effective_from_date AND effective_to_date ) AND id <> inserted.id ) THEN RAISERROR 18260 'tr_bu_customer_to_product_segment_pricing: Record with conflicting criteria already exists.'; END IF; END IF; END; -- End SPP-199 -- -- View Changes --=============================== MESSAGE 'Completed trigger changes.' TO CLIENT; MESSAGE 'Beginning view changes.' TO CLIENT; MESSAGE 'Completed view changes.' TO CLIENT; -------------------------------------------------------- IF i_script_type = 1 THEN DELETE FROM db_release WHERE release_num = 'NOLOG' AND release_date = v_rev_date; INSERT INTO db_release VALUES(v_this_rev, v_rev_date, v_rev_note); END IF; MESSAGE 'Synchronizing TABLE_SEQUENCE....' TO CLIENT; CALL sp_sync_table_sequence(1); END IF; -- End the big IF statement! SETUSER ; DROP VARIABLE v_this_rev; DROP VARIABLE v_last_rev; DROP VARIABLE v_rev_date; DROP VARIABLE v_rev_note; DROP VARIABLE v_msg; IF b_upgrade = 1 THEN MESSAGE '100% done.' TO CLIENT; ELSE MESSAGE 'Upgrade aborted.' TO CLIENT; END IF; DROP VARIABLE b_upgrade; DROP VARIABLE i_script_type;