// *** Generated Source File *** // Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, SilverStream Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved package com.gpc.pointofsale.ejb.inventory; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import com.gpc.common.PointOfSaleException; import com.gpc.common.TsoCurrentUser; import com.gpc.common.exception.ApplicationException; import com.gpc.valueobjects.catalog.PartVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.customer.CustomerVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.BarcodeVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.BaseInventoryVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.HazardousMaterialsVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.InventoryNoteVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.InventorySalesVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.InventoryStockVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.InventoryVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.KitDefinitionVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.MiscChgVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.ProRataWarrantyVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.ProductLineVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.WarrantyVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.invoice.line.FulfillmentItemVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.invoice.line.PhoneRoomStoreVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.tax.TaxInfoVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.BinRangeProfileVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.RegulationRulePartVO; public interface SBInventory extends javax.ejb.EJBObject { public void updatePartPrices(InventoryVO partVO) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public void createInventory(InventoryVO inventoryVO) throws RemoteException, PointOfSaleException; public Vector getPartLines(Integer loc, String partNumber, String lineAbbrev, boolean inventoryOnly) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; /** * @deprecated */ public InventoryVO getPartDetailInfo(CustomerVO customerVO, Integer loc, BaseInventoryVO baseInventoryVO, String languageCD) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public InventoryVO getPartDetailInfo(CustomerVO customerVO, Integer loc, BaseInventoryVO baseInventoryVO, String languageCD, boolean doLogWarning) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; /** * @deprecated */ public InventoryVO getPartDetailInfo(CustomerVO customerVO, Integer loc, String partNumber, String lineAbbrev, String languageCD) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public InventoryVO getPartDetailInfo(CustomerVO customerVO, Integer loc, String partNumber, String lineAbbrev, String languageCD, boolean doLogWarning) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public InventoryVO getPartDetailInfo(CustomerVO customerVO, Integer loc, String partNumber, String lineAbbrev, String languageCD, boolean doLogWarning, KitDefinitionVO kitDefinitionVO) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public List getRegulationRulePartDetails(final String partNumber, final String lineAbbrev) throws RemoteException; public HazardousMaterialsVO getHazardousMaterials(Integer loc, Short id) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public WarrantyVO getWarrantyInfo(Integer loc, String partNumber, String lineAbbrev) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public ProductLineVO getProductLineVO(Integer loc, String lineAbbrev) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public Vector getMiscCharges(CustomerVO customerVO, Integer inventoryID, Integer loc) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public InventoryStockVO getInventoryStockVO(Integer inventoryID, Integer loc, String languageCD) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public InventoryStockVO getInventoryStockVO(String partNumber, String lineAbbrev, Integer loc, String languageCD) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public InventoryNoteVO getInventoryNoteVO(Short id, Integer loc) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public BarcodeVO getBarcode(String barcode) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public BigDecimal getLowSuggestedPrice(InventoryVO inventoryVO) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public Vector getInventoryStockLocations(Integer inventoryID, Integer loc) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public BigDecimal getPriceWithLandedFactor(InventoryVO inventoryVO, BigDecimal price, Byte landedFactorType) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public BigDecimal getPriceForPUItem(Integer loc, Integer customerID, BigDecimal unitCost) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public TaxInfoVO getProductLineTaxInfo(Integer loc, String lineAbbrev, Short groupCode) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public Vector getSupersedingParts(InventoryVO inventoryVO, String languageCD, Integer customerID, Short NapaAcctCD) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public boolean doSupersedesExist(InventoryVO inventoryVO) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public MiscChgVO getMiscChargeStateDetail ( Integer loc, //location String lineCD, //3 character code like FRT, MIS etc String code, //3 Character code String stateCD, //2 Character State Code String countryCD //2 Character Country Code ) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public PartVO getPartVO(PartVO partVO,Integer loc, Integer customerID, String languageCD) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public InventorySalesVO getInventorySales(Integer loc, Integer inventoryID, Date currentSalesYearMonth) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public String getCatalogHQLine(String part, String tamsLine, Integer loc, Connection c) throws ApplicationException, RemoteException; public Boolean updateLostSales(InventoryVO inventoryVO, BigDecimal lostSalesQTY, Integer employeeId, String clientIPAddress, String programSource) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; /* //For Lost Sales update. The tables updated are Inventory_Sales and Inventory_Stock public Boolean updateLostSales (Integer loc, //location Integer inventoryID, //Inventory ID BigDecimal lostSaleQTY, //Lost sale Quantity Integer modifiedByEmployeeID, //employee ID String clientIPAddress ) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; */ public String getPartDescription(String part, String line) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public String getEJOEIDistributionCenterName(String dcCode) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public void quickAddPart(InventoryVO inventoryVO, Integer employeeId, String clientIPAddress, String programSource) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public Boolean doesPartExist(String partNumber, String lineAbbreviation, Integer loc) throws RemoteException; /** * @see com.gpc.dao.InventoryDAO#getListOfProductLinesVO(java.lang.Integer, * java.lang.Boolean) */ public List getListOfProductLinesVO(Integer loc, Boolean reservedLine) throws RemoteException, PointOfSaleException; /** * @see com.gpc.dao.InventoryDAO#getListOfProductClassesVO() */ public List getListOfProductClassesVO() throws RemoteException, PointOfSaleException; /** * @see com.gpc.dao.InventoryDAO#getListOfStockLocationVO(java.lang.Integer) */ public List getListOfStockLocationVO(Integer loc) throws RemoteException, PointOfSaleException; /** * @see com.gpc.dao.InventoryDAO#getListOfStoreDeptVO(java.lang.Integer) */ public List getListOfStoreDeptVO(Integer loc) throws RemoteException, PointOfSaleException; /** * @see com.gpc.dao.InventoryDAO#getListOfSuppliersVO(java.lang.Integer) */ public List getListOfSuppliersVO(Integer loc) throws RemoteException, PointOfSaleException; public String getTamsLineFromCatalogHQLine(Integer loc, String catalogHQLine, Connection c) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public boolean addBarcode(BarcodeVO barcodeVO, Integer employeeId, String clientIPAddress, String programSource) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * * This method will be used by the client to determine if a part is a kit * and if so retrieve its details. This method will return null if a part is * not a kit. * * @param lineAbbrev - * Kit line abbrev * @param partNumber - * Kit part number * @param loc - * Store location * @return The definition of the kit or null if the part is not a kit. * @throws RemoteException,PointOfSaleException */ public KitDefinitionVO getKitDefinition(String lineAbbreviation, String partNumber, Integer loc) throws RemoteException, PointOfSaleException; /** * The method is used to update Inventory and Bin Label Location for bin labels printed * * @param location The store location * @param employeeId Id of the employee who printed bin labels * @param ipAddress IP Address of the system from which bin labels are generated * @param programSource Source from where bin labels are printed * @param binLabelList List of bin labels printed * @throws ApplicationException, RemoteException */ public void updateBinLabelInformation(Integer location, Integer employeeId, String ipAddress, String programSource, List binLabelList) throws ApplicationException, RemoteException; /** * The method retrieves the list of last bin label printed dates. * * @param location The store location * @return The list of bin label last printed dates * @throws ApplicationException, RemoteException */ public List getBinLabelPrintedDates(Integer location) throws ApplicationException, RemoteException; /** * The method retrieves the bin label last printed date and last printed price for a given line * and part. * * @param location The store location * @param lineAbbrev Line Abbreviation * @param partNumber Part Number * @return Inventory value object * @throws ApplicationException, RemoteException */ public com.gpc.valueobjects.inventory.db.Inventory getBinLabelPrintedInformation( Integer location, String lineAbbrev, String partNumber) throws ApplicationException, RemoteException; /** * Generate on demand bin labels. * * @param parameters is the Hashtable object with required parameters set. * @return Hashtable object which contains the status of process 'Generate and Print On Demand * Bin Labels' * @throws ApplicationException if any application exception occurs. * @throws RemoteException. */ public Hashtable generateOnDemandBinLabels(Hashtable parameters) throws ApplicationException, RemoteException; public Vector updatePartsFromInterstore(Integer loc, String storeNumber, CustomerVO customerVO, Vector parts) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public PhoneRoomStoreVO updateFromServingDC(Integer loc, TsoCurrentUser user, String partNumber, String lineAbbreviation) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public String getAvailableByStore(Integer loc, String storeNumber, CustomerVO customerVO, InventoryVO inventoryVO) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * Creates the product line. * * @param location The store location * @param currentUser The current user * @param lineAbbrev The line abbreviation * @param clientIPAddress The client IP address * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException if any application exception occurs. */ public void createProductLine(Integer location, TsoCurrentUser currentUser, String lineAbbrev, String clientIPAddress) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This method will delete prorata warranty information. * * @param proRataWarrantyId the prorata warranty id * @param location * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException if any application exception occurs. */ public void deleteProRataWarranty(Integer proRataWarrantyId, Integer location) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This method will save prorata warranty information. * * @param proRataWarrantyVO the {@link ProRataWarrantyVO} object containing prorata * warranty information * @param programSource the program source * @param ipAddress the IP address * @return Prorata Warranty Id * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException if any application exception occurs. */ public Integer saveProRataWarrantyDetails(ProRataWarrantyVO proRataWarrantyVO, String programSource, String ipAddress) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This method checks if any duplicate warranty information exists based on part number, line * abbreviation and purchase begin date combination. * * @param proRataWarranty the {@link ProRataWarrantyVO} object containing prorata * warranty information * @return {@link ProRataWarrantyVO} containing duplicate warranty information * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException if any application exception occurs. */ public ProRataWarrantyVO checkForDuplicateProRataWarranty(ProRataWarrantyVO proRataWarrantyVO) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This method will get prorata warranty information. * * @param proRataWarrantyId the prorata warranty id * @param location * @param sequence * @throws RemoteException * @throws ApplicationException if any application exception occurs. */ public ProRataWarrantyVO getProRataWarrantyDetail(Integer proRataWarrantyId, Integer location) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; /** * This method will update WIP for BOPIS orders. * * @param partNumber * @param lineAbbrev * @param orderQuantity * @throws RemoteException if any Remote exception occurs. */ public void updateBOPISOrderWIP(String partNumber, String lineAbbrev, BigDecimal orderQuantity) throws RemoteException, ApplicationException; public Vector getSupersededItems(final FulfillmentItemVO fulfillmentItemVO, final Integer location) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public String getPartDescriptionFromInventory(String part, String line) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; /** * This method retreives binRangeProfile details. * * @param binRangeNum * @throws RemoteException if any Remote exception occurs. * @throws PointOfSaleException if any application point of sale exception. */ public BinRangeProfileVO getBinRangeProfileVO(String binRangeNum) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public Boolean getPartDetails(String text) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; public String getHqLineAbbrev(Integer loc, String lineAbbrev,Short groupCode) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException; }